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Rev. Melody Perdue

Associate Rector

The Rev. Melody Perdue accepted a call to serve as Associate Rector of Eastern Shore Chapel Episcopal Church in the fall of 2020. Rev. Melody is an experienced worship leader and guitarist, military (and clergy) spouse and mother of five. She is married to The Rev. Hayes Perdue, an Episcopal priest and a U.S. Navy chaplain. After recently being stationed in Bahrain, Chaplain Hayes Perdue returned for a three-year billet at Naval Station Norfolk in 2021.

Melody grew up in western Pennsylvania and earned a Bachelor of Music degree from Grove City College in Grove City, PA. She earned her Master of Divinity degree from Bexley Seabury Seminary in Chicago, IL. Melody has training in youth ministry from The Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge PA, pastoral care training from The Lazarus Center in Ambridge, PA; and pastoral care certification from Equipping Ministries International (EMI) through their International School of Service in Cincinnati, OH.


She has served churches as a youth pastor and worship leader in Pennsylvania, Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina, and has been involved in leading music for Diocesan youth events. She is most honored to be the mother of Nate, Sam, Anna, John, and Lydia, who set amazing examples of resilience and grace. Melody was ordained to the priesthood by The Rt. Rev. Rob Skirving, Bishop of the Diocese of East Carolina.

Rev. Shawn Malarkey


The Rev. Shawn Malarkey was called to serve as Priest-in-charge of Eastern Shore Chapel Episcopal Church in June of 2023. Fr. Shawn was ordained in the Roman Catholic tradition in 2002, and has a background in both small and large church ministry, education, and diocesan administration. After being received as a priest in the Episcopal Church in 2015, he most recently served as Priest-in-charge and then Rector of Nativity Episcopal Church outside of Pittsburgh, PA.


Fr. Shawn is a native of western Pennsylvania, growing up in a rural area north of Pittsburgh. He attended Pennsylvania State University, earning a degree in Elementary Education, before pursuing seminary studies at Duquesne University and St. Vincent Seminary, where he completed both a Master of Divinity and a Master of Arts in Sacred Scripture. He is currently finishing his Doctor of Ministry studies with Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, focusing on Christian spirituality and technology.


He and wife Jolean, also a Pittsburgh native, have two adult children, Kayla and Joe, and an 11-year-old lab mix named Dexter. An avid golfer, he also enjoys hiking, having completed a 400- mile section of the Appalachian Trail in his (much) younger years.

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The Rt. Rev. James "Jay" Magness

Bishop in Residence

Bishop Magness was elected VI Bishop Suffragan for Federal Ministries in 2010, giving him oversight of Episcopal chaplains and their congregations in the Department of Defense, the Department of Veteran Affairs and the Federal Bureau of Prisons. He later served the Diocese of Southern Virginia as Bishop Pro Tempore, providing ecclesial leadership between the tenures of Diocesan Bishop Herman “Holly” Hollerith and Bishop Susan B. Haynes.


A native of Hendersonville, N.C., Bishop Magness earned a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology and sociology from Western Carolina University. Jay then earned a Master of Divinity degree from Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas and a Doctor of Ministry degree with a concentration in Christian Leadership from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.


He completed a clinical pastoral education residency year at Walter Reed Army Hospital. Jay retired from the U.S. Navy in 2003 with the rank of Captain, serving as command chaplain of U.S. Joint Forces Command and fleet chaplain for the U.S. Fleet Forces Command.

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Rev. John A. Baldwin

Affiliated Priest


The Rev. John A. Baldwin retired in May 2014 after 36 years as an Episcopal priest. He served in the dioceses of Western Michigan, Washington DC, Minnesota, and for his last 17 years as Rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Virginia Beach. He was a 4-time deputy to General Convention from Southern Virginia and has been active in the ministries of Kairos and Cursillo.


John has been married to Ann Scherm Baldwin for 37 years. They have two daughters and three grandchildren. John enjoys hiking, geocaching, kayaking, and golf. In the Fall of 2015 he walked the 500 mile long Camino de Santiago in Spain. In retirement he serves as a co-chair for the Patient and Family Advisory Committee at Sentara Leigh Hospital, and he is in training to be a docent at the Chrysler Museum in Norfolk.

Rev. Marni Schneider

Affiliated Priest

Marni Schneider was born and raised in northern Ohio and studied at Purdue for 2 years before relocating to Hawaii in 1963. After a year in paradise, she moved to the Los Angeles area where she lived for 35 years.  Marni worked in television production in Hollywood for 15 years, doing mostly live tv and recorded variety shows (like “Cher") and completing her TV years as Coordinating Producer of News and Public Affairs at the local PBS station. She graduated from CDSP, the Episcopal seminary in Berkeley and was ordained a priest in 1986.  She served in several parishes in the Diocese of Los Angeles before moving to Virginia Beach in 2000. After completing an interim at St. John’s in Hampton, Marni joined the staff at St. Thomas, Chesapeake, where she worked for 5 years.  Officially retired at age 65, she was then called as Vicar at St. Simon’s in Sandbridge, a position she held for 10 years.


Rabbi Israel “Izzy” Zoberman

Honorary Sr. Rabbi Scholar

We are very excited to have Rabbi Israel “Izzy” Zoberman as Eastern Shore Chapel’s first Rabbi Scholar. His official title is  Honorary Sr. Rabbi Scholar, in recognition of his many years of service as the founding Rabbi of Beth Chaverim.

We have enjoyed a longstanding affiliation with Rabbi Zoberman and he is anxious to share his knowledge of the Hebrew Scripture and the Jewish faith with us.

Israel was born in Chu, Kazakhstan (USSR) to Polish Holocaust survivors. He spent his early childhood in Poland, Austria, and from 1947 to 1949, at Germany’s Wetzlar Displaced Persons Camp, American Zone. He grew up in Haifa, Israel where he served in the Israel Defense Forces in the 1960s. Israel and his wife Jennifer have been married for 45 years and are the proud grandparents of Daniel and Andrew.

We look forward to seeing him around the church campus for many years to come and greatly anticipate his mutual ministry with us. There are only a handful of churches in the U.S. that have the distinct honor of having a Rabbi Scholar and we are thrilled to join their company!


Holly B. Sunderland

Music Director & Organist

Holly B. Sunderland recently retired her full time position as the Virginia Beach City Public Schools Instructional Specialist in Performing Arts following decades of service in education. Throughout her entire career in education, she simultaneously served in part-time callings with Evangelical Lutheran, Episcopal, Southern Baptist, United Methodist, and Presbyterian (PCUSA) congregations in Kentucky, Ohio, New Jersey and Virginia. A central Kentucky native, she is a summa cum laude graduate of Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ, where she majored in Music Education with a principal in Organ. Her Master of Music degree in Choral Conducting is from the College-Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati. Her Educational Specialist degree in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Christian Education was earned at Regent University.  Mrs. Sunderland is a highly sought-after organist, conductor, accompanist/collaborative artist, clinician, and adjudicator. In February 2022, she succeeded her husband, Martin, as the Director of Music / Organist at Eastern Shore Chapel.   Professional affiliations include the National Association for Music Education, the American Guild of Organists - Tidewater Chapter, the Association of Anglican Musicians, and life-membership in the American Choral Directors Association. She serves as the Secretary/Treasurer in the Virginia Association of Music Education Administrators section of VMEA. In addition to family and church, her interests include musical theatre and antiquing.

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Elizabeth Dyson

Digital Media Manager/Admin Assistant: Chapel Pantry

Born and raised in Virginia Beach, Liz has always been deeply rooted in this coastal community. With a passion for creativity and communication, Liz pursued a career in graphic design and digital media management. She earned her Business Administration degree from Old Dominion University, where she honed her skills and cultivated her love for visual storytelling.

For several years, Liz has been dedicated to serving her local church in these capacities, using her talents to spread messages of faith and positivity. Despite her professional commitments, Liz's heart remains close to home. Her greatest joys come from her family, creating memories and cherishing the moments spent together.

After a wonderful season at home with her kids, Blythe, Penelope-Faye, and James, Liz is excited to return to work, serving the local church once again.

Bennett Card

Director of Faith Formation

Bennett has served as Interim Director of Family Formation for the past year. He will now join us as the Director of Faith Formation. Bennett previously served on staff at Eastern Shore Chapel as Director of Christian Education in the late 80’s, early 90’s. He has a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from Old Dominion University (1978) and a Master of Religious Education from Loyola University (1990), training that Eastern Shore Chapel sponsored! His son was also baptized at the church during this period. On August 6, 2016, Bennett was married at ESC to Edward Cattaneo.

Bennett has served at St. John’s (Hampton), All Saints Church (Virginia Beach), as a Licensed Stephen Minister and Trainer at St. Andrew’s (Norfolk) and for 13 years as the Director of Christian Formation at St. Francis Church (Virginia Beach), retiring in 2021.

Eastern Shore Chapel is grateful for Bennett’s gifts and experience in service to our family of faith in this vital ministry.


Kay O'Reilly

Food Pantry Director

Kay has been the Director of the Chapel Pantry at Eastern Shore Chapel Episcopal Church since 2009. With a background as a caterer, Kay has used those skills to address food costs, nutrition, inventory control and capacity building, transforming the pantry from a small non-perishables pantry to a large client choice, full-service pantry filled with fresh produce, dairy, meat, eggs and bakery items.


Kay is a member of the Board of Directors for the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore and chairperson of the Foodbank’s Agency Advisory Council.

Bob Suter

Director of Administration and

Bob spent many years working as a Church Business Administrator, consultant and bookkeeper for churches in his hometown of South Bend, Indiana.


In July 2020, Bob’s wife Lisa accepted an elementary school principal position with the Virginia Beach schools, so they sold the house and moved 800 miles to the beach. Bob and Lisa have two sons: Riley, a Navy doctor, and Ryan, who lives and works in Charlotte, NC. Lisa’s father – a retired Lutheran pastor – lives in Virginia Beach. Being so close to all three has made living and working in the area very rewarding.

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Mike Brown

Cemetery Manager

Mike Brown has been a member of Eastern Shore Chapel since 1976 when his father (and previous Cemetery Manager), Noel “Skip” Brown, transferred to Virginia Beach while serving in the US Navy.  He is employed full time with the City of Virginia Beach as a Firefighter and has served in the role of Cemetery Manager since the passing of his father in 2015.

Mike received a BS in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech in 1987 and went on to work at a land development and survey company in Northern Virginia where he met his wife Elizabeth.  They married in 1991 and moved back to Virginia Beach in 1993.  They have two daughters.

Mike has previously served as an Acolyte, Eucharistic Minister, Youth Group Advisor, and Sunday School Teacher.  He was also a member of the Building and Grounds committee, the Lawn Crew, and Softball Team. He served on the Vestry from 1998-2000.

Priscilla Jaffee

Welcome Coordinator

Priscilla is a lifelong Episcopalian and a member of ESC for 40 years.  She has served in various roles including Junior Warden, Stephen Minister, Youth Mentor and has taken an active role on many committees.  


Her passion is connecting with people and helping them utilize their gifts.  She is thrilled to be able to serve in this Welcoming role where she can assist others in experiencing all ESC has to offer.


She is retired from a career in Sales and Marketing and loves exploring the world with her husband Gary.  When they are home you can find them entertaining in their home or on the beach. Having raised two sons she is happiest when one of her grandchildren are holding her hand.

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