Volunteer with us
Volunteering your time and talents is a meaningful way to give back to the church and support its mission. By offering your skills, whether through service, teaching, or helping with events, you not only contribute to the life of the parish but also help build a stronger, more connected community. Your involvement deepens relationships with fellow parishioners, fosters a sense of belonging, and strengthens our shared faith as we work together to serve others and grow in our spiritual journeys.

Acolytes assist in worship by carrying a processional cross, lighting candles, holding the Gospel book, holding candles or “torches”, assisting the priest to set up and clean up at the altar, and handing the offering plates to ushers. Children may begin as acolytes in 5th grade, and adult parishioners often serve as acolytes as well.
Altar Guild and Altar Flowers
Every week the altar is prepared with fresh linens, flowers, and polished brass and silver by a team of helpers, trained in this art. Join them and be a part of this important preparation for worship services. Perfect for those who have the quiet gift of serving.

Buildings and Grounds
This committee is responsible for the maintenance of the church, anything an older building and 32-acre property might need. Currently, they have taken on replacing the windows in the church!
Cemetery Committee
Committee members maintain the 8 acre cemetery, an Infant Memorial Garden, Cremation Garden, Columbarium, and a Pet Memorial Garden, created to serve the community at large, and the Parishioners of ESC.

Chalice Bearers
Faithfully serving the elements of communion alongside our Parish Priests, this is an honor and blessing at the same time for those who “bear the chalice”.
Chapel Pantry
Serving over 600 families per week, the Pantry is known as a “shining light" for those in need of food assistance. Over 1.6 million pounds of food was shared just last year. The Pantry requires hundreds of hours of volunteer hours, every week, coming from every walk of life and every one adds to the success of this God guided ministry

Children’s Music Experience
Open to children from grades 1–5, with a summer music program for children in grades 2-6. During rehearsals, the children are taught correct singing techniques, music reading skills and music for worship experiences throughout the liturgical year. Perfect spot for children to learn about the teachings of the church and scriptures.
Choir and Music Ministry
Serving in this ministry can mean a variety of things from singing in the choir to ringing the handbells or playing an instrument. The ESC Choir features members consisting of multiple generations. No musical talent is needed for the behind the scenes work of organizing the music library!

Faith Formation
Faithful formation experiences shape our lives. Offered for all ages every Sunday from 9:15am-10:15am. Volunteers are always needed to teach! Adult programs seek to form and transform our lives and our faith, through study, dialogue, community life, prayer and worship. Additional opportunities for spiritual growth such as Bible and book studies form each liturgical season, in person and on zoom.
First Friday: Men's Breakfast
All the men of Eastern Shore Chapel are invited to enjoy preparing, serving and eating breakfast together once a month, as they discuss the upcoming lessons with Father Shawn and topics of pertinent interest. Great conversations!

Gifts of Gratitude
This committee for Stewardship creates the monthly gratitude newsletters, sponsored the Friendsgiving dinner in November, promoted our annual Financial Pledge Campaign and now is working on the Time and Talents Pledge Campaign.
Greeter & Ushers
With just a very little bit of training, bring your smile, and you can be a greeter and usher at our worship services. Sign up for a week at a time, for dates that work for you! Additional helpers are ALWAYS welcomed!

Historic Committee
Enjoy guided tours on the first Sunday of each month after the 10:30 a.m. service. ESC’s member experts provide interesting stories of the stained glass windows, silver Communion service, music, altar, and cemetery. Whether you are a long-time parishioner or have just joined our church, the tours provide a rich overview of the almost four hundred years of history this congregation has worshipped in Virginia Beach.
Ministry Hospitality
Treat your ESC family to some “old fashioned” TLC! Provide a selection of snacks each Sunday prior to and during Adult Forum. This simple form of hospitality helps to promote fellowship as we sit down together, chat and enjoy snacks and beverages! Many sources for snacks are available at no cost, we just need helping hands to set up and serve.

Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Lay Eucharistic Visitors receive training to bring communion to homebound or hospitalized parishioners. They are commissioned towards the end of our Sunday services, and go out nearly every week to bring communion to those who desire to have it brought to them.
Reading the Word of God from the Bible at Worship services is a gift of service from these dedicated volunteers, who with just a minimal amount of training, share the Old and New Testament readings each week.

New Mom Ministry
New moms receive a gift bag that includes a devotional book of prayers for parents, a poem celebrating the precious baby, and a knitted cap, or pair of handmade booties. We offer care and support through notes and phone calls before the new little one arrives and shortly thereafter. Knitters are needed!
This committee offers financial support to programs along with lots of “hands-on” participation. We remind parishioners we are agents of God’s kingdom in our community and in the world. Our outreach committee meets monthly to pray and coordinate ways to serve in our local community and around the world. We are avidly engaged in mission and ministry among and with people in need.

Office Volunteers
These volunteers staff our church front office, answer phones and give direction to visitors, during the hours that the church office is open, Monday through Friday.
Parish Friends
Our Parish Friends ministry teams are available to help families in our church at the time of a death in the family. They prepare and organize receptions for the bereaved family and friends following a funeral or memorial service, offering the gift of food and hospitality in a time of need

Pastoral Care Team
This group shares a responsibility with our Parish Priests to care for our church family, providing assistance in times of joy, sorrow or sickness. All members of our Pastoral Care Ministries work together to offer help in situations in which pastoral support is needed, ensuring that “no one walks alone” as challenges arise and life changes and personal needs occur.
Preparing and selling what have been described as “the world’s best peanuts” is just part of the mission of this group of men and women, who kindly donate all the proceeds to support a variety of good causes.

Prison Ministry

This ministry sends well-organized, well-trained volunteer teams from all over Virginia to present an introductory 3-day weekend, described as "a short course in Christianity." The interdenominational team of volunteers—both clergy and laypersons—works in cooperation with the prison chaplain, who carefully selects inmate leaders to attend. The singular objective is to develop a self-sustaining Christian community. Cookies are an important ingredient in the ministry. They help open hearts to repentance, forgiveness and an awareness of God’s love. Join the bakers at ESC!
Youth Group EYC
Our youth program is focused on building community and serving others. This includes, but is not limited to cooking and serving at the homeless shelter, helping out at the Chapel Pantry and meal packing for Stop Hunger Now. Community is important, so youth gather as a group several times a year with a focus on fun, fellowship and being the hands and feet of Christ in the world.

Those who have administrative interests are tasked with the oversight of the workings of the church. The Vestry’s main responsibility is to oversee the parish's finances. In partnership with our Parish Priests, this group of 12 elected parishioners develops and approves the annual parish budget and serves as an advisory council to the priests.
Virginia Beach Crisis Nursery
This ministry provides childcare for the Chapel Pantry on Saturdays for the winter months. Volunteers open the Johnson room with warmth, love, snacks and crafts for the children of the Pantry to enjoy! They are in need of volunteers, so if you enjoy children and want to be part of the fun please reach out! All help is welcomed, but please know that if you speak Spanish, you'd be a tremendous gift to this ministry as many of the pantry visiting families are Spanish speaking only.

WESC (Women of Eastern Shore Chapel)

Open to all the women of the church, this group of women hosts picnics, receptions, and special events. Perhaps they are best know for sponsoring an annual soup sale, and an annual herb sale, along with a church yard sale for many years. All efforts have the purpose of raising funds to help those in need in the parish, diocese, the nation and the world. Look around the church and you will find these ladies helping in so very many ministries, especially whenever there is food involved! As one member says: this is the FUN STUFF! A great way to make friends.
Winter Shelter
Each winter, ESC works with PIN Ministry to sponsor a week of warm shelter and meals for those who find themselves without shelter. Volunteers are needed for mealtimes to help cook, serve, and clean for our less fortunate guests.