Music Ministry
Now is the time to join our growing Music Ministry at Eastern Shore Chapel Episcopal Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia. New members are always welcome. Our programs include a 30-member SATB Parish Choir, Children's Music Experience for Elementary Singers and Ringers, a multi-generational 3-octave handbell choir - ESC Ringers, choral/orchestral concerts, a volunteer choir for funerals and memorials, summer music camp and more. Email Holly Sunderland,, for more information.
Parish Choir
REHEARSAL: Thursday evening (7:00-8:30 p.m.)
Our 30-member SATB Parish Choir participates in the 10:30 a.m. Rite II Two Holy Eucharist. The music, hymns, responses, and psalms are selected to highlight the Lectionary readings appointed for the day.
At various times throughout the year, the choir sings Evensong and Compline services.
At our Easter and Independence Day recognition services, the choir is joined by the Eastern Virginia Brass Ensemble.
For Christmas Eve, the Cantilena String Quartet joins the choir for our celebration.
The choir has a long history of singing concerts that feature vocal soloists and orchestral accompaniment. Works presented include Honegger’s King David, Benjamin Britten’s Noye’s Fludde, J.S. Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, Puccini’s Messe de Gloria, W. A. Mozart’s Requiem, and J. F. Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass. Our choir has participated in two European pilgrimages: They rehearsed and sang in the Choral Festival in Innsbruck, Austria; The choir also participated in a British tour that included singing services at Great St. Mary’s Cambridge, England, and presenting concerts at Guilford and Salisbury Cathedrals in England.
Children's Music Experience
REHEARSAL: Wednesdays (5:00-5:45 p.m.)
September through May
The Children's Music Experience is for children from grades 1–5. During rehearsals, our youth are taught correct singing techniques, music reading skills and music for worship experiences throughout the liturgical year. This is a perfect spot for your children to learn about the teachings of the church and scriptures. Secondary students are encouraged to participate in the Parish Choir and/or ESC Ringers. Please contact Holly Sunderland,, if you are interested in participating.
ESC Ringers
REHEARSAL: Wednesday (6:00 to 7:15 p.m.)
September through June
Our handbell choir has a three-octave set of Malmark handbells and hand chimes. This multi-generational ensemble rehearses weekly and shares musical offerings once a month.
If interested in participating, please contact Holly Sunderland at
Summer Music Camp
Summer Music Camp for 2025 will be
August 4-8 with participation in the 10:30am worship on Sunday, August 10.
We offer a week-long Summer Music Camp for children from rising grades 2–6. We have a varying curriculum that includes musicianship skills, vocal technique, handbell and chime instruction, anthems, recreation, and snacks. The camp is open to any child from any denomination in the Tidewater area. Please contact Holly Sunderland with any questions, Registration information will be posted on the website when opened.