Connect Groups
Our church's theme for this program year is "Connection", as we journey together as a parish family into deeper relationships with one another and with God. Our Connect Groups have been a wonderful way to explore interests or hobbies, form new friendships, and nurture faith.
While most of our Connect Groups have wrapped up, a few are continuing into 2024 (see details below). We’re excited to announce new Connect Group opportunities and ways to get involved soon—stay tuned!
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Book Discussion Group
Location: Lynnhaven Room/ESC
Time: Sunday, January 12, following the 10:30 a.m. service
The Book Group had a lively discussion on Tell Her Story which chronicled how women led and ministered in the early church. Our next selection is historical fiction, West with Giraffes, based on a true story of one man's journey across the country with 2 giraffes during the Depression. We will meet Sunday, January 12 after the 10:30 service. All are welcome!
Led by Susan Buchanan
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Fun and Fellowship Group
This continuing summer small group is moving to a
monthly format with an additional focus on volunteer outreach (along with fun and fellowship).
More details to come.
Led by Ann Onhaizer and Priscilla Jaffee
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Location: ESC/Parish Hall
Time: Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. (starting 1/8)
Though Queenagers has outgrown its original Connect Group title, its ministry continues strong this fall! If you're 70+ and looking for support, great discussions, fellowship, and friendship, this is the place for you. We meet every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall.
Queenagers are on hiatus for the holidays. We will kick back off on Wednesday, January 8.
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Lunch Bunch
Location: ESC
Time: 2nd Thursdays, 11:30 a.m.
This social and service-oriented lunch group will be meeting at 11:30 on the 2nd Thursday of the month, and has worked on packaging diapers for the Crisis Nursery and other parish projects. Bring your lunch; drinks and cookies are provided.
Led by Susan Buchanan