Chapel Pantry

2024 HOURS
Tuesdays | 2-6 p.m.
Thursdays | 2-6 p.m.
Saturdays | 2-6 p.m.
Pantry will be closed:
Thursday, Nov 28 & Saturday, Nov 30
We will be closed for the holidays
We will be closed for the Christmas holiday season, from Tuesday, December 17 toThursday, January 2. We will open again Saturday, January 4.
Estaremos cerrados por vacaciones
Estaremos cerrados por las fiestas Navideñas, del Martes 17 de Diciembre al Jueves 2 de Enero. Abriremos nuevamente el Sábado 4 de Enero.

What our food pantry does
The Chapel Pantry is a full client-choice, market-style food pantry and produce market. Guests may choose all their food, which promotes the health and dietary needs of our neighbors, as well as their personal food preferences.

How to receive food
We're happy to help feed you and your family. Food Pantry guests are asked to:
Visit the pantry only once per calendar month, and visit the market with Food Rescue once per calendar week.
Park in the main parking lots and walk to the pantry or wait for pickup from our golf carts.
Not arrive before 2 p.m.
Register upon arrival if you are new. All guests from Hampton Roads area are welcome.
For more information, check out the links below.

How to help
Volunteer: We have been blessed with a wonderful group of more than 75 volunteers, and we are always in need of more help. Tasks include:
Unloading trucks
Sorting and stocking food
Interacting with pantry guests
Driving our golf carts
Questions? Email Pantry Director Kay O’Reilly at koreilly@easternshorechapel.org or:
Make in-kind donations of non-perishable food, paper and plastic grocery bags, and reusable bags. Please bring donations for the Chapel Pantry to the Barton House, which is located at the end of the driveway past the parking lot. Go up to the wooden ramp and knock on the door. You may use a cart, or knock and ask a volunteer to help you unload.
Make monetary donations, which are critical to this ministry. Make a check payable to Eastern Shore Chapel and indicate "Food Pantry" on the memo portion of your check, then deliver or mail to Eastern Shore Chapel 2020 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454. You can also:

Our Mission: Motivated by Christ’s love, the Chapel Pantry strengthens the community by serving our neighbors in need. We do this by providing food assistance with compassion, respect and hospitality to all.

The Chapel Pantry wishes to be a welcoming refuge to people seeking food assistance. Our motto is “Good Food and a Warm Welcome.”

Hospitality – We will treat all pantry visitors with courtesy and respect, embodying the ministry of hospitality.
Nutrition – We will provide nutritious food to our neighbors in need to the best of our abilities.
Integrity – We will be honest and fair in our interactions with others.
Stewardship – We will use the resources given us wisely, with accountability to our church and our parishioners.